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What I Need for Nursery

What to bring to Nursery

Plenty of spare clothes in a bag as we do like to get messy. Although children wear protective clothing these don't always stop clothing getting wet or covered in paint. Please never send your child to Nursery in their best clothing or footwear as we go outside in all weathers.

Some parents like to bring their own waterproof suits and wellies however we do supply these for all children.

Make sure we have all of your up to date contact details in the case of an emergency.

For our youngest children please supply nappies and creams in your child's bag, the team will let you know if these need replacing

If your child requires a comforter then this can be placed in their bag.

If you are unsure of what you need or have any questions then we can talk about these when we come and see you on a home visit prior to your child starting. If you have questions in the meantime then don't hesitate to give the Nursery a call.