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Parental Involvement

There are many ways to get involved with your child's learning and we value your contributions.

"Parent involvement in education is like the frosting on a cupcake, it makes it complete and oh so sweet" Anon

Please help us by;

Attending Special events

Making contributions to Opal and adding in your own photographs and comments

Coming to Key Person meetings

Feeling welcome to stay and play at anytime

Communicating daily with your Key Person

Sharing your child's achievements from home

Joining in with home school learning ideas

Asking for help and support when needed

Learning for all of our children begins at home with their family and we aim to work as a team to get the best for your child.

For those of you who wish to take your involvement that one step further we have a successful volunteering program here at the Nursery. Many of our parents who have undertaken this path now have a recognised qualification in childcare which we are really proud of. Contact us on 01945 582401 for further  information. X

Home Learning

At Emneth Nursery School we do lots of home learning through home learning gifting. This involves us sending home bags with fun and engaging activities for the children to have a go at, at home. Sometimes the home learning activities are linked to project work that the children are involved in at Nursery and sometimes they link to a particular area of learning that we wish to support children in developing skills in e.g. Communication and Language. We encourage our families to have a go and send us some pictures of what they have done. We love to see them.

We also use our Facebook page and Opal to promote ideas and activities that families may wish to have a go at.

Search for Emneth Nursery School on Facebook to keep up to date with events and what we have been doing. 

At Emneth we use an online assessment system called Opal. This is safe and secure and enables the team to keep an electronic learning journey about your child. The great thing about this is you receive instant notifications when a photograph or observation is added and you can also reply. You are also able to add your own personal photographs so it is a perfect way for us to share information together about how your child is progressing. When you start we will ask for email addresses that you want to link to your child and then the sign up is simple. For more information please talk to your Key Person. 


We really need some new volunteers to join our 'Friends of Nursery' group. The group is made up of parents who are willing to help at school events and fundraise for additional items that will benefit our children. It's a really lovely and friendly group of people so please get involved.

If you are interested in joining then please speak to someone in the office.